Equal wages for men and women is a challenge for Human Resources managements especially since the equal opportunities decree* that stipulates that actual remuneration must be included in the areas of action adopted by collective agreements or, failing that, the action plan. Companies are now fully committed to avoid penalties by seeking to identify gender-based wage differences.
Establishing whether a company practices an equal pay policy between men and women is a complex matter because income gaps cannot be adequately explained by taking a mean wage. This is because more than 70 variables can explain the take-home pay:- age, length of tenure, initial training, in-house training, the type of training and skills, the potential, expatriation or otherwise, mobility, geographic location, the employment area, working conditions, part time work, night work, working hours and so on. An analysis of these variables can clarify and pinpoint inequalities within a homogenous employee group (same site, function, job, etc.).
Eurodecision guides human resources and managing directors using an original approach based on applied mathematics and econometrics. Our experts will build a model from the HRIS data to:
- identify the main explanatory factors of wages
- calculate an employee’s “theoretical remuneration”
- confirm or deny the existence of gender or other discriminatory factors, such as disability
- detect employees with atypical earnings (under- or overpayment)
In-house statistics are often disputed. Thus, working with Eurodecision, makes for an impartial, objective view and sound responses based on suitable mathematical tools.
*Decree No. 2012-1408 of 18 December 2012 and Government Employment Circular No. 1 of 18 January 2013.
Detecting wage inequalities
Helping reduce discrimination