Field forces amount to a significant volume of men and women supporting our facilities or staff. Optimizing their assignment scheduling is challenging and comes with significant economic issues.
The visits that traditional field profiles such as maintenance staff are required to organize are becoming increasingly hard to schedule:
- equipment maintenance outsourcing
- stricter regulations
- more demanding customers (appointments, late penalty charges)
At the same time, along the lines of e-business, home service occupations are developing:
- personal care and service
- home hospitalization
Assignment scheduling optimization, at the crossroads between human resources scheduling (building individual schedules, assigning duties, etc.) and logistics (segmentation, rounds and so on), can turn into a decision-maker’s nightmare. The techniques that Eurodecision has developed using mathematical models help decision-makers quantify their choices and thus facilitate the optimization of mobile resources:
- inventory positioning audit
- comparative study of in-house and outsourcing strategies
- vehicle fleet dimensioning
Or human:
- sizing mobile teams by skills
- building geographic sectors from the site portfolio
- assigning balanced workloads to sector officers
- emergency handling strategy: do we separate preventative from corrective? Or do we integrate emergencies into the rounds?
Reducing response times
Reducing the distance traveled